On 6 April 2020, the European Commission adopted Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/502 (the “Implementing Regulation“) introducing additional tariffs on certain products originating from the US. This was adopted in retaliation to the further safeguard measures in the form of tariff increases, adopted by the United States on 24 January 2020, in relation to imports of certain derivative aluminium and steel products which took effect with unlimited duration on 8 February 2020.
Effective May 2020, the following additional duties (in addition to those that already apply) will apply in respect of US-originating goods:
- of 20% on lighters (CN 9613 80 00); and
- 7% on plastic fittings for furniture and coachwork (CN 3926 30 00).
Furthermore, additional duties of 4.4% will apply on US-originating imports of playing cards (CN 9504 40 00) from the earlier of:
- 8 February 2023; or
- the date of adoption by, or notification to, the WTO Dispute Settlement Body of a ruling that the United States’ safeguard measures are inconsistent with the relevant provisions of the WTO Agreement.