
Taku Takanami (Japan)


As noted in our previous blog post, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) is expected to promulgate regulations requiring companies to report technology transfers in fields where Japan has an advantage that other countries are interested in matching to METI in advance. The Ministry’s Subcommittee on Security Trade Control under the Division on Commerce and Trade of the Industrial Structure Council issued an interim report on March 24 outlining the specifics of the…

Recently, there have been moves to expand restrictions on companies transferring advanced technology abroad. In connection with this trend, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (“METI”) is expected to promulgate regulations requiring companies to report technology transfers to it in advance in areas where Japan has an advantage that other countries are interested in matching. The purpose of this regulation is to prevent the military utilization or leakage of advanced Japanese technology. The Japanese…