
Sanctions Targeting Syria


On Friday 29 May 2015, the EU published Council Regulation (EU) 2015/828, which designates General Muhamad, the head of the Syrian Military Intelligence since April 2015. The stated reason for his designation is because he is “responsible for repression and violence against the civilian population in Damascus/ Damascus countryside”. The Regulation also removes a Rustum Ghazali from the list. The full identifiers and reasons for designations are available on HMT’s full designated party list…

The European Council has just announced that it has extended its sanctions regime against the “sponsors of the Syrian regime” for another year as the situation on-the-ground continues to deteriorate, and it has designated a further individual.  The individual is stated to be a “high-ranking military official deemed responsible for repression and violence against the civilian population in Damascus and Damascus countryside”.  This brings the total number of persons designated under the EU’s sanctions regime against Syria…

In the European Council’s conclusions on the EU regional strategy for Syria and Iraq as well as the ISIL/Da’esh threat, published on Monday 16 March, the EU confirmed that it will continue to implement sanctions that target the Syrian regime and its supporters, “as long as repression continues”.  Reference was made to the EU’s designation earlier in March of 13 individuals and entities in the context.  The “indiscriminate” and “barbaric acts” committed by ISIL/Da’esh against…