
Ukrainian imposed Sanctions


Effective as of 24 June 2024, Ukraine extended for a further 10-year period and amended the personal sanctions introduced earlier against Russian and Russia-related oligarchs and various companies.[1] In total, the Sanctions Decisions encompass 395 individuals and 367 legal entities. The Sanctions Decisions target, among others, the following individuals: Ukrainian businesspeople — Dmytro Firtash, Pavlo Fuks, Vadym Novynskyi and Vadym Iermolaiev (citizen of Cyprus since 2019) Chair of Gazprom — Oleksiy Miller, and CEO of…

Effective as of 9 December 2023, Ukraine introduced a new set of personal sanctions against 181 Russian legal entities and 185 individuals (the “Sanctions”), mostly related to the Russian military-industrial complex.[1] In particular, the Sanctions have been imposed on: these following Russian companies: Military-industrial enterprises: Federal State Unitary Enterprise “13th Shipyard of the Black Sea Fleet” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, JSC “Kovrov Electromechanical Plant”, PJSC “Lyskovsky Electro-Technical Plant” etc. Machine-building…

Effective as of 25 November 2023, Ukraine introduced two new sets of personal sanctions against 147 individuals and 303 legal entities (“Sanctions”), in particular:[1] (a) the following Russian companies: Military-industrial enterprises: JSC “Duks”, JSC “Design and Production Enterprise ‘Iris'”, JSC “Okenit”, JSC “Moscow Design Industrial Complex ‘Universal'”, etc. Machine building enterprises: JSC “Gavrilov-Yamsky Machine Building Plant ‘Agat'”, JSC “Machine-Building Plant ‘Armalit'”, etc. Energy companies: JSC “United Energy Company”, JSC “Vologda Regional Energy Company”, JSC “Moscow…

On 29 July 2023, following several earlier initiatives, Ukraine finally approved legislation implementing a unified list of all effective personal sanctions – the State Sanctions Register. The State Sanctions Register will offer the public free access to consolidated, accurate and up-to-date information concerning all individuals and legal entities subject to Ukrainian sanctions (including the grounds for their sanctioning and the types of sanctions introduced). All information in the State Sanctions Register will be available in…