
Samantha Mobley


The National Security and Investment Act (“NSI Act”) came into force this week, completing the overhaul of the UK’s foreign investment rules and creating a standalone foreign investment screening regime. The new rules require businesses and investors to submit mandatory notifications for certain acquisitions of and investments in companies operating in 17 key sectors. The rules also grant the UK Government extensive powers to investigate and impose conditions on a wide range of transactions, including…

Want to find out more? Read the full version of this update on our free global Foreign Investment and National Security blog at Mandatory, CFIUS-style screening system in place for transactions in 17 industry sectors On 11 November 2020, the UK Government introduced the long-anticipated National Security & Investment Bill before Parliament. The new law will significantly expand the Government’s existing powers to review the national security implications of transactions and has been timed…

With global foreign investment scrutiny on the rise, not least in the current COVID-19 environment, staying fully informed and ahead of the curve has never been more important. For the latest developments and updates, please visit our new Foreign Investment and National Security blog (see here). This blog will keep users up-to-date in respect of global foreign investment review and national security trends and issues, informing you about the legal and business risks impacting your next…