In an 18 March 2021 statement released by the German Foreign Ministry, the Group of Seven (G7) nations have announced that they remain fully committed to the implementation of sanctions on Russia over the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. The group’s Foreign Ministers also reaffirmed their unwavering support for and commitment to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and denounced Russia’s alleged occupation. See the full statement accessible here for further details.


Sunwinder (Sunny) Mann is a Partner and is Chair of our International Commercial and Trade Global Practice Group. Our Trade team has been ranked Tier 1 by Legal 500 UK for over 20 years. He is currently based in our London office, but has also worked in our offices in Washington, D.C., New York, Sydney and Hong Kong. Sunny's practice focuses on international trade compliance and, in particular, export controls and trade sanctions, as well as anti-bribery. He has worked on a number of significant compliance and investigations matters. He leads our Firm's Geopolitical Risks Taskforce, having coordinated our Firm's support to clients responding to the ongoing Russia crisis.