Over the past eight weeks, following the announcement of the G7’s Sanctions Enforcement Coordination Mechanism, we have journeyed to our offices in each of the G7 members to ask our local sanctions experts to weigh in on what companies should know about sanctions enforcement in their jurisdiction — and what companies should be doing today to prepare — in light of the increase in sanctions enforcement, which we are already seeing on the ground.  For quick reference, our blog posts are linked below:

We have heard from many of you that you have valued these local perspectives on a risk area that has become truly cross-border and top of mind for multinationals.  The need for a coordinated cross-border approach mirrors the increased cooperation among enforcement authorities around the globe.

By popular demand, we are extending the series to cover sanctions enforcement in other jurisdictions around the world.  Over the past year, we have seen a number of countries emerge as key players on the global sanctions stage, such as Australia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Singapore, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Poland.  Similar to what we are seeing around the G7, we are seeing an increase in enforcement activity in many of these countries.  We have sanctions experts in these countries who advise companies on these issues every day.  We will be sharing their perspectives on sanctions enforcement in a continuation of our blog series on sanctions enforcement around the world.  Later this week, we will kick off with the view from Australia.


Washington, DC

