On 21 June 2024, the Japanese government announced further sanctions against the Russian Federation under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act in line with measures taken by other major countries. This measure adds to the sanctions imposed in the previous round of sanctions announced on 24 May 2024. The new sanctions were taken based on the Cabinet Understanding entitled, “Asset freezes for individuals and entities of the Russian Federation and other measures as of 21 June 2024,” in response to the circumvention of earlier sanctions through specific entities in China, India, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan

Additional asset freezes

Measures 1 and 2 below were imposed on 10 Russian Federation individuals and 27 Russian Federation entities considered to be directly involved in the “annexation” of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol or in the destabilization of eastern Ukraine. Also affected are one Russian Federation individual and one Russian Federation entity in eastern and southern Ukraine considered to be directly involved in the purported “incorporation” of these regions by Russia and one entity from a country other than the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus designated as subject to asset freeze measures by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Notice (promulgated on 21 June).

1. Payment restrictions

Payments to designated individuals/entities require a license from the Ministry of Finance.

2. Capital transaction restrictions

Capital transactions, including deposit contracts, trust contracts and loan agreements with designated individuals/entities, require a license from the Ministry of Finance.

Lists of individuals/entities subject to asset freezes:

Prohibition on exports to specific entities from the Russian Federation and countries other than the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus

Exports to 14 specific Russian Federation entities and 10 specific entities from countries other than the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Notice (promulgated on 21 June) will be prohibited.

Please click here for a list of entities/individuals subject to the export prohibition.

日本政府、 制裁迂回等に対応するため対ロシア制裁を強化

2024 年 6 月 21 日、 日本政府は、 ウクライナをめぐる現在の国際情勢に鑑み、 主要国が講ずることとした措置の内容を踏まえて、 閣議了解「ロシア連邦関係者に対する資産凍結等の措置等について」(令和 6 年 6 月 21 日付)を行い、 これに基づき、 外国為替及び外国貿易法による下記の措置の実施を発表した。 今回の措置は、 前回(令和 6 年 5 月 24 日付)に続く追加措置であり、 中国、インド、カザフスタン及びウズベキスタンの特定団体を介した制裁迂回等に対応1するものである。


外務省告示(6 月 21 日公布)により資産凍結等の措置の対象者として指定されたロシア連邦の関係者(10 個人・ 27 団体)、クリミア自治共和国及びセヴァストーポリ特別市のロシア連邦への「併合」又はウクライナ東部の不安定化に直接関与していると判断される者並びにロシア連邦による「編入」と称する行為に直接関与していると判断されるウクライナの東部・南部地域の関係者と判断される者(1 個人・ 1 団体)並びにロシア連邦及びベラルーシ共和国以外の国の関係者(1 団体)に対し、 1.及び 2.の措置を実施する。

1. 支払規制

2. 資本取引規制
外務省告示により指定された者との間の資本取引(預金契約、 信託契約及び金銭の貸付契約)等を許可制とする




外務省告示(6 月 21 日公布)によりロシア連邦の特定団体として指定された 14 団体並びにロシア連邦及びベラルーシ共和国以外の国の特定団体として指定された 10 団体への輸出等に係る禁止措置を実施する。

上記措置の対象者はこちらのリンク を参照されたい。


Junko focuses her practice on commercial and trade laws and regulations, WTO dispute settlement, civil and criminal litigation, antitrust law, bankruptcy law and general corporate law. She has extensive experience advising clients on issues involving trade remedy matters such as anti-dumping and countervailing duties, and import restrictions. She also advises on customs matters, classification and valuation issues, export control and sanctions, tariff treatment, FTA/EPA applications, public procurement, and handles antitrust compliance programs for clients.


Takumi's practice focuses on dispute resolution, including litigation and arbitration and corporate compliance matters related to regulatory issues, and internal investigations. He has particular expertise in healthcare regulatory compliance matters and has been seconded to the legal departments of multiple global pharmaceutical and medical device companies.


