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Blog Series: Sanctions Enforcement Around the G7


Having focused on the enforcement of sanctions by Australia and Ukraine in the past weeks, we now turn our attention to the sanctions enforcement trends in Switzerland. The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (“SECO”) is responsible for the enforcement of violations under the Federal Act on the Implementation of International Sanctions (“Embargo Act”; accessible here) and thus also for violations under the Ordinance on Measures in connection with the situation in the Ukraine (“Swiss Ordinance”; accessible…

Over the past eight weeks, following the announcement of the G7’s Sanctions Enforcement Coordination Mechanism, we have journeyed to our offices in each of the G7 members to ask our local sanctions experts to weigh in on what companies should know about sanctions enforcement in their jurisdiction — and what companies should be doing today to prepare — in light of the increase in sanctions enforcement, which we are already seeing on the ground. By…

Over the past eight weeks, following the announcement of the G7’s Sanctions Enforcement Coordination Mechanism, we have journeyed to our offices in each of the G7 members to ask our local sanctions experts to weigh in on what companies should know about sanctions enforcement in their jurisdiction — and what companies should be doing today to prepare — in light of the increase in sanctions enforcement, which we are already seeing on the ground. For…