
Alison J. Stafford Powell


To offer a consolidated faculty of speakers across the globe that will deliver cutting-edge insights and guidance virtually on key global compliance, investigations and ethics trends, our Annual Mid-Year Trade Compliance sessions are now part of our Annual Compliance Conference that will be taking place virtually from 30 April – 6 June this year (with a vacation break during the week commencing 27 May). With 14 virtual sessions across five weeks, we want to…

On April 24, 2024, President Biden signed into law a national security package (H.R. 815) that includes the 21st Century Peace through Strength Act, the fourth pillar of a broader foreign aid package to assist Israel, Ukraine, and the Indo-Pacific. The law contains policy provisions under which (i) the statute of limitations for US sanctions violations would be doubled; (ii) frozen Russian state-owned assets could be seized and used to support Ukraine, (iii) additional sanctions…

On March 14, 2024, the U.S. Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (“DDTC”) and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”) announced more restrictive export controls on Nicaragua stated to be in response to the Nicaraguan Government’s human rights abuses, attacks on civil society, and increased cooperation with Russia. The DDTC and BIS press releases are available here and here. DDTC: New ITAR Export Controls The State Department announced…

On January 26, 2024, the US Departments of State, Treasury, Commerce, Homeland Security, and Labor, and the Office of the US Trade Representative published a Supplemental Business Advisory (“Supplemental Advisory”) intended to highlight additional high-risk sectors and activities and update guidance for individuals, businesses, financial institutions, and other persons (e.g., investors, consultants, non-governmental organizations, due diligence service providers) regarding continued risks of doing business in Myanmar/Burma. The Supplementary Advisory incorporates significant sanctions developments against Myanmar…