
EU Sanctions


In a judgment of 10 January 2023 (ECLI:NL:HR:2023:2), the Dutch Supreme Court confirmed that the applicable standard of proof for “intentional” violations of EU sanctions under Dutch law is generally low. The judgment confirmed that, although the intent of the accused with regard to the constituent elements of the relevant sanctions prohibition must be sufficiently proven to establish an intentional violation, intent does not need to be proven as to the unlawfulness of the conduct.…

The EU has adopted its ninth package of sanctions against Russia. All legislation introduced by the EU in relation to the latest package of sanctions can be found here. The new sanctions package includes: Additional designations of almost 200 individuals and entities. This includes the Russian armed forces, as well as individual officers and defence industrial companies, members of the State Duma and Federation Council, ministers, Russian proxy authorities in occupied areas of Ukraine and political…

On December 3, 2022, G7 members formally set the highly anticipated price cap on Russian oil at 60 USD per barrel. This price cap applies to crude oil, petroleum oils, and oils obtained from bituminous minerals which originate in or are exported from Russia. Below we summarize (1) some of the key aspects of the G7’s price cap, and (2) the measures taken to implement the price cap by the EU,US, UK, Japan and Canada.…

In a statement, the President of the European Commission, outlined what further sanctions the EU is currently proposing to introduce against Russia. The proposed package includes: The designation of nearly 200 people and entities, including the Russian armed forces and individual officers, defence industrial companies, members of the State Duma and Federation Council, ministers, governors and political parties.Sanctions against 3 additional Russian banks, including a full transaction ban on the Russian Regional Development Bank.Additional export…