The Japanese government introduced further sanctions against Russia on 27 January 2023. These include:

Designations of additional Russian individuals and entities

The Japanese government designated an additional 22 individuals and 3 entities related to the Russian Federation and 14 individuals who were judged to be directly related with the “annexation” of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol or the destabilization of the eastern part of Ukraine or who are connected with the eastern and southern part of Ukraine and were judged to be directly related with the “incorporation” act by the Russian Federation and subjected them to the following sanctions:

  • Restrictions on payments – A license is required to make a payment to the designated persons or entities.      
  • Restrictions on capital transactions – A license is required for capital transactions, including deposits, trusts, and loan contracts, etc., with the designated person or entities.

Export ban to the designated entities of Russian Federation

Effective 3 February 2023, the Japanese government introduced an export ban to the 49 entities of the Russian Federation, which were designated by the Notice of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated January 27, 2023.

Export ban on military reinforcement related commodity goods etc. to the Russian Federation

Effective on 3 February 2023, the Japanese government introduced an export ban on military reinforcement related commodity goods etc. to the Russian Federation. For the lists of goods that are subject to the export ban, please see here and here (lists are only available in Japanese).

The list of newly designated persons/ entities is available here.

Read our previous blogs on earlier sanctions imposed by the Japanese government here, here, herehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehere and here.

To view Japan’s lists of currently designated persons/entities, click on these links: Russian FederationSpecially designated banks in the Russian FederationRussian government and its governmental organizations subject to prohibition of issuance or subscription of securities, Russian Specially Designated entities (1),  (2)(3),  (4),  , and (6). Belarusian Specially Designated entities (1) and (2)Crimea, Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic, and Republic of Belarus.



I. 資産凍結等の対象となるロシア連邦の関係者(22個人・3団体)及びクリミア自治共和国及びセヴァストーポリ特別市のロシア連邦への「併合」又はウクライナ東部の不安定化に直接関与していると判断される者並びにロシア連邦による「編入」と称する行為に直接関与していると判断されるウクライナの東部・南部地域の関係者と判断される者(14個人)の指定


(1) 支払い等の許可制

(2) 資本取引(預金契約,信託契約及び金銭の貸付契約)等の許可制




III. ロシア連邦への軍事能力等強化関連汎用品等の輸出等の禁止措置




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Japan introduces further sanctions against Russia – Sanctions & Export Controls Update (






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Junko focuses her practice on commercial and trade laws and regulations, WTO dispute settlement, civil and criminal litigation, antitrust law, bankruptcy law and general corporate law. She has extensive experience advising clients on issues involving trade remedy matters such as anti-dumping and countervailing duties, and import restrictions. She also advises on customs matters, classification and valuation issues, export control and sanctions, tariff treatment, FTA/EPA applications, public procurement, and handles antitrust compliance programs for clients.